Buy: snacks, green beans, rice crake, confectionery 采购 ... 加拿大公司求购熟食品,绿豆,稻米,糖果2007-03-13
Mr Crake, who has won a similar race up the Empire State Building five times, won US$5,920 in prize money. 克勒克先生曾5次获得帝国大厦登高赛冠军,此次夺冠的奖金为5920美元。
It is not really new year's without fire- crake, some tangerine, and the" star talent show" on TV. 滑爆竹、桔子和演艺明星的电视表演不能说是新年。
It is not really new year's without fire- crake,some tangerine,and the" star talent show" on TV. 滑爆竹、桔子和演艺明星的电视表演不能说是新年。
Paul Crake, 30, ran up 91 floors containing 2,046 steps in 10 minutes, 29 seconds. 现年30岁的保罗·克勒克在10分29秒内爬完了91层楼、总共1026级台阶。
Mr Crake and Ms Mayr missed out the $30,000 on offer for completing the gruelling race in under 10 or 12 minutes respectively. 克勒克和梅耶如果各自能够在10秒和12秒内完成这项令人精疲力竭的比赛的话,就能获得3万美元奖金,遗憾的是他们都与其失之交臂。