Munsell Color spectrum is an absolute color reference system. 孟塞尔色谱是一个万万色 彩参照编制。
A New Method of Cathode-Ray Tube Characterisation Based on Munsell System[J]. 引用该论文 杨卫平
Munsell system can be used as comparison of other table of standard methods. 孟塞尔编制可息为比力其它外色编制的尺量办法搁置。
In CIE(1976)L~*a~*b~* and Munsell color system, the chroma indexes among eight families have significant difference. 在CIE(1976)L~*a~*b~*色空间和孟塞尔色空间,8个家系间木材材色色度学指标差异均达到极显著;
Johnson G., Fairchild M.D. (2003):“Rendering HDR Images”, Munsell Color Science Lab, RIT T. 大田登著/陈鸿兴、陈君彦编译(2003):基础色 彩再现工程,台北市:全华。