Basically, there is only one upcall, with information as to what events caused it available from a pre_agreed mailbox. 基本上,只有一个回调,带着来自一个预先设定的信箱信息,信息说明在什么事件发生时,线程可用。
The stack on which kse_init() is called must never be unwound, since the kernel fakes up a context at the point where kse_init() is called for each upcall. 调用kse_init()的堆栈永远不能被释放,因为在调用kse_init()的地方,内核为每一个回调伪造了一个上下文。
I'll hang upcall you back, OK? 我先挂了,回头再打给你,好吗?