Learn how to say “no.” Avoid overcommitment. 学习说“不”,以避免过度的承诺。
Most busy people are not strangers to overcommitment. 大部分忙碌的人对过度承诺这件事一点也不陌生。
Instead of undercommitting resources, you overcommit. 与其在那里浪费资源,你应该好好想想如何利用手中的资源。
It found that the sense of overcommitment means that 47 per cent of soldiers and army officers think regularly of handing in their resignations. 该项研究发现,过重的负担感使得47%25的士兵和军官经常有辞职的想法。
Learn to say "no." Don't overcommit yourself. If you take on too much, you're creating stress. 学会说”不“不要过多承诺。如果你担任地工作太多,你在制造压力。