In this case the fileset "PHNE_20657. 在这里,文件集 "PHNE_20657.
The warning was generated because the product was from a 10.20 fileset. 之所以会产生这个警告,是因为,该产品来自 10.
This makes it difficult to look at one fileset to determine the installation date of the operating system. 这就使得通过查看文件夹来 确定操作系统的安装日期变得非常困难。
The problem began after theACE fileset was installed on top of an existing HP-UX 10.20 system.Before ACE, thi s script worked fine. 当我在现存的HP-UX 10.
NOTE: The fileset "SD-DATABASE.SD-DATABASE1,r=9.00.1C" is 注释用来提请用户注意某些事件,但并不是错误的或不利的意外事件。