Any hint of higher inflation will further embolden dollar bulls. 通货膨胀如出现任何负面消息,都将影响美元的发展。
There is a local profit,Would embolden the capital is up. 恩格斯说:商业的本质是逐利的,一旦有适当的利润,资本就胆大起来。
President Bush says opposition demands to pull U.S. Troops out of Iraqby October would embolden the enemy. 布什总统称让美军在十月前撤离伊拉克的反动要求会助长敌人的气焰。
Whether the calamities signaled the end of a government or helped embolden their usurpers is open to interpretation. 但事实上,这些灾难,究竟是真的预示天意还是只是让起义者师出有名,仍然不得而知。
However, they acknowledged that such a forum could embolden supporters of political reform within the Communist party. 不过,它们承认,有这样一个论坛,可能鼓励共产党内支持政治改革的人士。