Do you feel relieved after expectoration? 痰咳出后你觉得舒服些吗?
What method can help darling quickly expectoration? 有什么办法可以帮宝宝快点咳痰呢?
Dr: Do you feel relieved after expectoration ? 痰咳出后你觉得舒服些吗 ?
Child how make expectoration easy, whether should use antiphlogistic drug? 小孩如何祛痰,是否要用消炎药?
Good for antipyretic and throat smoother, curing cough and facilitating expectoration. 清热润喉,止咳化痰。改善体质。
The suffocation disappears and my temperature become normal after expectoration. 痰咳出后就不憋得慌了,体温就正常了。