Jim spends much of his free time driving the bus for the blind children. 吉姆把大部分空余时间用去为盲童开车了。
The police say they'll make it really hot for Barry if they catch him a second time driving his car without tax. 警方说,如果他们第二次抓住马里没有交纳牌照税,他们将会让他不好过的。
We took our time driving along the coast. 我们慢条斯理地沿着海岸开着车。
How to maintain a good relationship with the customer and at the same time drive out best possible profits to the bank? 如何与客户保持良好的关系,并且与此同时为银行带来最大可能的利润?
We all had a really good time driving to the country. 我们开车到乡下全都玩得真愉快。
Every time drive person in attack the joyance that when give a good shot or winning a ball, can make his excited and achieves a kind of success. 每当击球者在击出一个好球或赢得一个球时都能使自己兴奋并达到一种成功的喜悦。