Burn lining having unsmooth, I hope for a daybreak. 辣里有涩,我盼望天明。
This is unsmooth sweet greasy green sugar. 这是个青涩的甜腻的糖.
That once wipes unsmooth green memory... 首页>>风景名胜>>那一抹青涩的回忆。。。。
Eg: Our products sold badly due to the unsmooth circulation channel. 例:流通渠道不畅导致我们的产品滞销。
I met a French mama with two kids on a bus, waving with the unsmooth driving. 碰到一个法国妈妈带着两个小孩乘公交,随着不稳的车厢摇摇晃晃。
Compared with conventional coupling bolts, the hydraulic radial-fit bolts can effectively prevent unsmooth stagnation. 与传统联轴器螺栓相比,液压螺栓能有效地防止卡涩和咬死。