山下式, 山下手翻, 屈体前手翻腾越
First, I would like to introduce chairman Yamashita. 2首先要介绍的是山下会长。
Yamashita for the grassland, shrub jungle to the mountains. 山下为草原,山上为灌丛林。
Yamashita is the Montreal blue and yellow flowers, blue! 山下是满地的蓝色黄色的小花,蓝色的!
Yamashita Tomohisa's welfare must be seen as paramount. 必须把山下智久的福利看作是至高无上的。
Star connection, provoked by the actor Tomohisa Yamashita banner. 主演方面,由山下智久挑起男主角大旗。
Yamashita, which Chi Qingshui, I call it "the East China Sea. 山下,那一池清水,我叫它“东海”。