Minto spamming racist slander in real life. 74 个新帖 (共 74 个) Br.
The minto pyramid principle : logic in writing, thinking and problem solving. 思考、写作、解决问题的逻辑方法.
Minto identifies the flexibility and agility of Domino as a key determinant of its success. 但是他仍然保留着一个主要的发明者,Minto认为柔韧性和灵活性是多米诺成功的要诀。
This arose from the high level of control that Minto had achieved by avoiding the venture capitalist market. 这个导致了Minto从高风险市场的高层次控制。
In looking to the future, Minto ploughed much of the early turnover into Research and Development, which together accounted for over 50% of turnover. 考虑到未来,Minto投入了大部分营业额在研究和开发上,几乎占据了50%25的份额。