Four stars for features.Minus one for useability. 这使得该路由器使用上的四大特点减少了一个??????
Its mission is to improve the useability of the web for agriculturalists. 其任务是为农业学家提供便利实用的网络检索条件。
This is very important for useability, especially for users with visual disabilities. 这对于应用是很有用的,尤其是有视觉障碍的用户。
By analyzing the feild data, thecharacter and useability of the medel are demonstrated. 通过实例分析说明了该模型的特点和实用性。
It aims to improve the useability of sensor uncertain data stream and gain more information from it. 目的在于从不确定传感器数据流中获得更多有用信息。