I want money,i want money!! Tidak money mati!! 钱钱钱!!!前前后后,左左右右都需要钱钱钱!!!!
KNS... bad story writer... make the main character mati!!! 308大选最大的意义是,让人民感受到手中一票的力量!
In this paper, the maximum likelihood esti mati on and Bayesian estimation of parameter N are obtained. 本文推导出了 N的极大似然估计 Bayes估计 .
If Arm has remained static, then the stars, galaxies to be in the shape of a small path running Mati Yin. 但是包括太阳在内的许多银河系恒星,都在银河系中心保持着清晰的圆周路径。
A method is proposed to obtain the maximum allowable transfer interval (MATI) for networked control system (NCS). 提出一种获取网络化控制系统最大允许传输间隔的方法。