= could have
No 'shoulda, coulda, wouldas' allowed. 不允许‘本应该、本可以、本会’。
You coulda shut me down, but you blinked. Mm? 原可打败我,但却不集中精神。
You coulda knocked me over with feather when I heard the news. 我听到这个消息时真是大吃一惊。
Hubert: BullSHE! You pointed a gun at a cop! We coulda been killed! 胡说!你拿枪指着一个警察!我们都有可能被打死!
Then you can banish woulda, coulda, shoulda from your vocabulary. 随之你才会让“本来如何”,“本能够如何“,”本应该如何“从你身上消失。