(=gallbladder series) 胆囊系统(检查),(=gastric bypass surgery) 胃分流术,(=glycerin-buffered saline) 甘油缓冲盐水,(=glycine-buffered saline) 甘氨酸缓冲生理盐水,(=guide to biomedical standards) 生物医学标准指南,(=guillain-barre syndrome) 格-巴二氏综合征:急性感染性多神经炎
George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initials GBS. 人们对萧伯纳姓名的首字母GBS非常熟悉。
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Influenza vaccines since then have not been clearly linked to GBS. 但之后,并没有流感疫苗与此症有明显关连。
Treatment trials in GBS included mostly patients with demyelinating disease. 尽管格林-巴利综合征患者对免疫疗法的反应性不一;
Group B Streptococcal( GBS) infection is an important cause of infant morbidity and mortality. 摘要B族链球菌感染,是导致新生儿疾病与死亡的主要原因。