Abstruse and evenhanded universe, clinging and firing metagalaxy. 宇宙邃允,银河执火。
Become aware quite to this author insufficient evenhanded. 对此笔者颇觉不够公允。
Compare abroad, our country starts to the research of evenhanded value later. 相比国外,我国对公允价值的研究起步较晚。
Li Dongsheng: As share price rise or drop, value of changeover bond evenhanded will jump or can drop. 李东生:随着股价的上涨或者下跌,可转换债券公允价值将会上涨或者下跌。
The company holds some trading value of evenhanded of sexual finance capital appears to drop considerably. 公司持有的交易性金融资产公允价值出现大幅下降。