A string of keys and a nail clipper. 有一串钥匙,一个指甲刀。
You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper. 你需要手绢,肥皂和指甲刀。
A friend sends me the nail clippers of two Taiwan, .. 一个朋友送我两个台湾的指甲钳,...
Nail clippers are the necessaries every one of us needs in our daily life. 指甲剪是我们每人日常生活所需的用品。
In which drawer did you put the nail clippers, the left one or the right one? 你指甲刀放在哪一个抽屉?左边还是右边?
Pet brush,pet comb,pet rake comb,pet scissor,pet nail clipper,horse grooming. 宠物刷,宠物梳,宠物耙梳,宠物美容剪,宠物指甲剪,马具。