Paramilitary and riot police eventually dispersed them with teargas. 最后,防暴警察用催泪瓦斯驱散了人群。
The demonstrators were driven back by about 30 teargas canisters, but regrouped to face police lines about half-a-mile. 警方发射了大约30发催泪弹暂时驱散了示威群众,但人群在半英里之外又重新集结,继续同警方对抗。
The police fired teargas to drive the miners out of their shallow tunnels and shot them down as they emerged. 有的被咬死,有的被咬的肢体不全。警察用催泪弹把采钻者赶出他们浅浅的坑道,出来的人便被子弹撂倒。
Police arrested 49 protesters (see photo) and fired teargas to disperse the crowd. 警方向示威者投射了催泪弹,并逮捕了49人(见图)。
The miners say that in some cases the police shoot down the men, blinded by teargas, as they flee. 采矿者称,有时警方会枪击已经看不见东西,四处奔逃的采钻者。