Just received JARL's JCC600( All CW)#17 certificate( see attaching picture). A small gun( barefoot and wire dipole) together with persistence do achieve the goal. 刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(附图)只需轻装备(00瓦特及偶极子天线)意志耐力便能达至目标。
Just received JARL's JCC 600 (All CW) #17 certificate (see attaching picture). A small gun (barefoot and wire dipole) together with persistence do achieve the goal. 刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(见附图)。只需轻装备(100瓦特及偶极子天线)和意志耐力便能达至目标。
Glacial Rift of the Frost Gaint Jarl 霜巨人贵族的冰缝
Jarl Birger 雅尔伯吉尔(?-1266),从1248年起至去世,一直是瑞典的实际统治者。