The slaveholding politicians acted as political leaders in the antebellum southern society, while the nonslaveholding White mass played a submissive role in politics. 在内战前的南部政治世界中,在总体上奴隶主政治人物担当着领导角色,广大非奴隶主大众是奴隶主在政治活动中的附庸。
After Lincoln resisted the South's attack on Fort Sumter, four other slaveholding states voted to secede, joining the newly formed Confederate States of America. 在林肯抗击南部各州对萨姆特要塞的攻击之后,又另有四个蓄奴州投票决定脱离联邦,加入美利坚邦联。
Most slaveholding states had vowed to secede if the Republican candidate won, since the party strongly opposed slavery and its extension into the new territories. 大多数蓄奴州事前就发誓表示,若共和党选举获胜,他们便脱离联邦,因为该党坚决反对奴隶制及把它扩散到新的准州。
A remarkable and the most important aspect of social development in the British Chesapeake colonies of North America was the growth of a dominant slaveholding class. 摘要在英属殖民地时期,北美切萨皮克地区社会发展的一个重要方面是奴隶主群体的成长。作为使用奴隶劳动从事商业经济活动的经营者,奴隶主群体的成长有赖于三个方面的条件结合。
The three kinds of conditions combined in the development of the Chesapeake economy and social, resulted in the growth of the slaveholding class and becoming the regional ruling class. 这三个方面的条件在社会发展过程中相互结合,使得那些具有个人创业能力和家族势力优势的白人家庭在白人社会中脱颖而出,成为统治该地区社会的奴隶主群体。