She's no more than a bluestocking. 她也只不过是个书呆子。
As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking. 作为一个才子,他看不起卖弄学问的作风,不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的。
She is such a bluestocking that many men dare not to get close to her because they think she must be a little nerdy. 她是如此的一个女才子,以至很多男性都不敢接近她,因为他们觉得她很书呆子气。
THINK of the word bluestocking and you are likely to conjure up something female, formidable and frumpy a dingy corner of feminism, the historical equivalent of dungarees. 一提到女学者,人们很容易联想到那些聪明得令人敬畏却土里土气的女性。她们是女权主义中一个单调乏味的群体,他们是粗布棉衫的代名词。
She is what you call a "bluestocking" 她就是你说的“女才子”。
As a bel esprit he despised pedantry whether in a man or in a bluestocking 作为一个才子, 他看不起卖弄学问的作风, 不管这种作风是由男人还是女才子所表现出来的。