The compactness of the car appeals to me. 该车小巧令我喜欢。
The small sensor size guarantees that all constructional and functional requirements are met with the maximum possible compactness and minimum weight of the component. 传感器小巧的尺寸保证了所有结构和功能要求都能用最压缩的体积和最轻重量的元件来满足。
It has been designed specifically for applications requiring particular manoeuvrability and compactness. 特别为要求具有极佳操纵性与紧凑性的应用场合而设计。
This kind of foot valve features compactness, elegant appearance, high inter-changeability and stable and reliable performance. 本脚踏阀结构紧凑,外表美观,阀的互换性强,性能稳定,可靠。