Anyway, we're of the landowning class now! 不管怎样,我们现在也算是有壳蜗牛了。
Now is the time to revive Mao's vision of a new landowning order. 现在是恢复毛泽东的新的关于土地所有权政策的时候了。
Romanos virtually abandoned restrictions on the landowning of the aristocracy. 罗曼努斯实际上放弃了对于贵族土地所有者的限制。
A powerful landowning baron once tried to erect his own mill strictly for his personal use. The mill was burned down. 有一次,一个不可一世的地主企图修建一个专供自己使用的私人面粉厂,结果面粉厂给烧掉了。
Hadrian belonged to an upwardly mobile Spanish landowning elite that had grown rich selling olive oil. 哈德良出生于一个扶摇直上的西班牙地主家庭(他们是通过贩卖橄榄油而发家的)。