For customers to redeliver spot securities borrowed in short sales. 三、得为融资融券交易之有价证券。
For securities firms and customers to redeliver securities borrowed or to compensate for securities entitlements. 二、供证券商及客户返还借券或证券权益补偿。
If can't, please send to me the photo format that you can open on your computer, and then I will redeliver my pictures to you after I reshuffled. 如果打不开,请把你能打开的图片格式发给我,我会把图片处理好再发给你的。”
Instead, Microsoft Exchange holds the undelivered journal reports in a mail queue and tries to redeliver the journal report until delivery is successful. 但是,Microsoft Exchange会在邮件队列中保留未传递的日记报告,并尝试重新传递日记报告直至传递成功。
If a securities firm is short of underlying securities to meet its obligations to redeliver securities, it may seek refinancing from a securities finance enterprise. 证券商为因应还券所需而无标的证券可供返还时,得向证券金融事业办理转融通。