Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fop; dandified. 浮华的纨绔的,与花花公子有关的或表现出纨绔习气的;浮华的
She hated him, sitting there in his dandified attire, taunting her. 地板上撒满了沾着烂泥的木屑,而且到处是尘土和脏物。
You are very dandified, monseigneur.No, it will not bore me. 你很爱俏,大人,不,我不会厌烦。”
Of, relating to, or characteristic of a fop ; dandified. 一个花花公子扭扭捏捏地走到乔治面前并作了自我介绍。
Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks. 潘每逢跟一些大人物相处以后,便变得尖酸刻薄,满不在乎地挖苦他们。