The consignor of commodities under a quota or quota bidding shall be the exporter. 配额以及配额招标商品的发货人应与出口商保持一致。
The invoice shall be subject to the usual trade discounts allowed by the Consignor. 发票须按照发货人所给予的通常批发折扣开立。
If needed, a patent agency may designate a certain patent agent appointed by the consignor to handle the business. 专利代理机构可以根据需要,指派委托人指定的专利代理人承办代理业务。
The Consignor Account will be used for depositing the consigned fund as well as for collecting the principal and interest recovered by the Consignee. 委托人账户用于存放委托资金及向受托人收回的借款本息。