双桨式划水(仰卧水面, 两脚并拢, 两手放身旁划水并带出水和入水动作)
His sculling rhythm is terrific. 他的划船节奏太好了。
What are the elements of a sculling stroke? 双桨艇划桨动作由哪些动作成分构成?
What is the difference between sculling and rowing? 双桨艇与单桨艇的技术有什么区别?
There are many ways to practice your sculling. 有多种方法可以练习浆式划水动作。
Please protect your card,don't scull,or fold. 请妥善保管好您的卡片,不要划伤、折痕。
We're revisiting this because sculling NEVER goes out of style. 今天我们又旧话重提,因为浆式划水动作训练“永远不会”过时。