Gillyweed may be innocuous, but boomslang skin, lacewing flies? 鱼鳃草或许无毒无害,但非洲树蛇皮、草蜻蛉蝇呢?
One possibility is that pre-prepared potion ingredients can be bought on the open market, for example, pre-stewed lacewing flies. 一个可能性是市场上可以买到制好的配料,如熬好的草蛉虫。
The ladybug attacks the molluscoid pest while the green lacewing feeds on a variety of other insects. 其中瓢虫能对付软体害虫,草蛉能捕食害虫的卵及幼虫。
The larva of any of several insects of the family Chrysopidae, such as the lacewing, that feed on aphids. 草蛉幼虫,蚜狮:一种草蛉科昆虫的幼虫,如草蜻蛉,以蚜虫为生
Lacewing eggs are laid on plants at the end of threads of mucus which hardens in contact with the air (see left). 大意:草蛉虫卵产在植物上纤维丝的末端,这种纤维丝是它的粘液遇空气后变硬形成。