For the first time, a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year. 在今年的大会上一位女士将首次成为主要发言人。
Charismatic, astute and candid, she is a visionary business thinker who is the perfect keynoter for your convention, meeting or strategic retreat. 超凡魅力,机敏,率真。她是会议,战略研讨会最完美的演讲者和有远景的商业思考家。
Given the distance between my previous role as a convention gate-crasher and my newfound role as convention keynoter, I had some cause to worry that my appearance in Boston might not go very well. 我在上届大会的角色是擅闯会场者,而这届大会是主要发言人,由于这两个角色的巨大差距,我有一定的理由担心,我在波士顿的登场也许不会十分成功。