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She found it advisable to go with Edgar Atheling to meet William and offer him the crown. 她发现这是可取的,即和埃德加·阿塞林一起去迎接威廉,并把王冠奉献给他。

The Wood Elves speak his name in hushed whispers, believing him to be a reincarnation of a terrible daemon that once haunted the forests of Athel Loren. 木精灵们提及它的名字时只敢低声细语,他们相信格里姆格乃是曾经肆虐阿瑟尔洛仑森林的可怖恶魔转生,甚至鼠人都晓得这个瘟神。

The Wood Elves are an elite army, formed around a core of highly skilled Elf archers and supported by the mysterious spirit beings of Athel Loren. 森林精灵是一支精锐部队,由核心位置的娴熟弓箭手和起辅助功能的艾瑟洛伦的神秘法师组成。

The inhabitants of Athel Loren are mysterious and secretive beings, rarely seen beyond their forest homeland and thus little understood by the outside world. 艾瑟洛伦的居民是神秘而秘密的,他们很少出现在其森林王国之外,所以外面的世界对他们了解非常少。在森林领地守卫战中,森林精灵和盟友们勇敢无畏、冷酷无情。

The curious sentience of the ancient wood manifests itself in many different ways, from the lithe and spiteful Dryads, the legions of ephemeral Spites, gnarled and tough Tree Kin, to the most powerful beings within Athel Loren, the mighty Treemen. 远古森林奇异的感知能力展现在很多不同的方式,从身体柔软而又充满大量而又短暂恶意的森林女神,外皮粗糙坚硬的树怪,到艾瑟洛伦最强壮的生物-强大的树人。

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