Nung-fu put on wader and worked in the pond. 农夫穿起防水衣下池工作.
The fish nipped the wader's toe. 鱼咬住了涉水者的脚趾
Personality of ropeway An inexhaustible wader--Review of Mr. 摘 要: 文章记述了我国索道工程设计专家朱俊国和以他为首的昆明有色冶金设计研究院索道设计组为开拓我国的架空索道事业不懈奋斗的光辉业绩.
Thank you for recording the details of the flagged wader that was recently sighted. 感谢您最近对您观测到的环志的详细记录。
The variation of landscape heterogeneity is the main factor to change the structure of wader communities. 景观异质性的改变是引起鸻鹬群落结构变化的主要原因,也是决定鸻鹬群落分布的重要因子。