None of this is necessarily problematical. 这些性行为的发展特征是毋庸置疑的。
Sexual intercourse between unmarried adolescents can be problematical. 在未婚青少年之间的性交可能被人质疑。
When the path is problematical, consider a leap of faith. Ride the wind. 如果发现前方道路有问题,乘风而起,跃之不疑。
English pronunciation teaching is a complex and often problematical one. 语音教学一直是一个复杂的问题。
These few examples may suffice to show that the above definition of sexual behavior is problematical . 这些极少的例子就可以充分地说明, 上述的性行为的定义是存有疑问的。
As a result, rape statistics have a reputation of being unreliable, and international comparisons are problematical. 其结果是,强奸案统计数据被人认为是不可靠的,而且国际间的数据比较也有疑问。