There is a series laws evolution for malversation since liberation. 我国建国以来对于贪污罪也经过了一系列的立法沿革。
This thesis presents some personal ideas about malversation in practice and theory regarding current problem. 本文试从理论和实践方面对贪污罪存在的几个问题谈一点个人的看法。
In the final analysis, all malversation can be related to the absence of correct concept of masses. 各种腐败行为究其根源都与思想上没有牢固树立正确的群众观相关系。
As the law is established through continuing practice, there is some dispute about malversation. 但是由于法律是在不断摸索过程中完善的,因此现行法律中对于贪污罪的规定也存在一定争议。
Government should punish the malversation, but the key point of punishment is the degree of sanctions, not the rate of detecting. 政府要打击贿赂等腐败行为,但关键不在于查处率的高低,而在于处罚的严厉。