It simply needs to “standardise” things. 它仅仅需要标准化的事物。
Why not standardise the opening hours of all departments? 为何不统一办公时间?
So it is necessary to standardise the treatment of the stock payment. 请勿将"如何规范股份支付的税务处理"用于商业用途!
We have also taken this opportunity to standardise the security features to aid recognition. 同时,我们亦统一使用相同的防伪特徵,方便识别。
It is also easier to standardise results if you do not depend on individual animals. 如果不依赖于个体动物,可以使结果标准化更容易。
On June 22nd a convention to standardise credit-default-swap (CDS) contracts for clearing took effect in Europe. 在6月22日,一款为清算而标准化信用违约掉期合同的协定在欧洲生效。