The interfusion and continuation of design and art have advanced the popular of art. 同时,设计与艺术的融合与拓展,推进了大众化艺术的进程。
The special interleave and interfusion,can be explained the existent way of mutual motion. 空间的错开和交融,可以理解为一种互动的存在方式。
However, it was just such a fifference that constituted an important turning point for the interfusion of the sports cultures of the East and the West. 但也正是这种差异,孕育着东西方体育文化大交融的重要契机。
The golf" and" the villa" are trend-setting" consumer goods" in moderm society. The interfusion with sea and communion with wood carving craft add to its style and taste. 高尔夫”和“别墅”是现代社会有潮流的“消费品”,但与上海的融合,与木雕工艺的交流,让这个“消费”有了格调及其品位。
Apart from the strong destructing the weak, the other four of the five forms of interactions between objects are generally called interaction and interfusion. 在事物互相作用的五种形式中,以强灭弱以外,其余四种在总体上称为互动互化。