You wretch! You've taken the book I wanted. 你这个坏蛋! 你把我想要的书拿走了。
The poor wretch lost all his money. 这可怜的人所有的钱都丢了。
That wretch has broken my car window. 那个坏蛋把我的车窗打碎了。
A base, ungenerous wretch who under the mask of friendship has undone me. 有个卑鄙、吝啬的家伙打着友谊的幌子把我毁了。
He is really a worthless wretch. 他真是个窝囊废。
They dragged the wretch to a tree and ran him up. 他们将那个可怜的人拉到棵树旁,把他吊死。