Miss Caroline wasn't old or unhandsome, but she seemed determined to turn herself into an eccentric old maid. 卡洛琳小姐并不老,长得也不丑,但她似乎决心要把自己变成一个古怪的老处女。
Miss Caroline wasn’t old or unhandsome, but she seemed determined to turn herself into an eccentric old maid. 其实卡洛琳小姐既年轻又漂亮,但她似乎下定了决心要把自己变成个古怪的老女人。
Miss Caroline wasn't old or unhandsome, but she seemed determined to turn herself into an eccentric old maid 卡洛琳小姐并不老,长得也不丑,但她似乎决心要把自己变成一个古怪的老处女。