女主席, 女委员长, 女会长, 女议长
Chinese CEO's members, directors, and the honorary chairmen and chairwomen are supporting this Great Celebration event. 美中工商协会与南加州华人华侨热烈庆祝中华人民共和国成立55周年盛大国庆文艺晚会于9月12日举行.
After Sunday (12-20-2009) service, we will have Dec. women's fellowship, and will elect chair and vice chairwomen. 主日12/20召开12月份妇女月例会,选举会(副)长,请姊妹留步参加。
Among the leaders of the federations of trade unions of each province, municipality and autonomous region, there are one to two chairwomen or vice-chairwomen. 全国各省、市、自治区总工会领导班子中均有1至2名女主席或女副主席。
Among the leaders of the federations of trade unions of each province,municipality and autonomous region,there are one to two chairwomen or vice-chairwomen. 全国各省、市、自治区总工会领导班子中均有1至2名女主席或女副主席。
Vice chairwomen of Shanghai women Union Association,vice director of Shanghai Education Committee for women and chairman of Shanghai Mulan Boxing Association attended the meeting. 出席本次大会的有上海市妇联副主席、上海市教委妇女工作部副主任、上海市木兰拳协会会长等。