They are made from different materials? Dolomite, tough silk, organdie etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。
They are made from different materials--dolomite, tough silk, organdie, etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、硬丝、蝉翼纱等。
They are made from different materials——dolomite,tough silk,organdie etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。
They are made from different materialmdashmdash;dolomite,tough silk,organdie etc. 它们是用不同的材料做的,白云石、绡、蝉翼纱等。
How pretty and fresh Cathleen had been that day in a swirl of blue organdie with fragrant roses at her sash and little black velvet slippers laced about her small ankles. 那天凯瑟琳多么漂亮和活泼啊,身着天蓝色蝉翼纱裙子,饰带上佩着玫瑰花,穿着娇小的黑天鹅绒便鞋,脚腕子上是一圈花边。
Life was going past her, down a hot shady summer road, life with gray uniforms and jingling spurs and flowered organdie dresses and banjos playing. 生活在她面前走过,沿着一条夏季的林荫大道; 生活中有的是穿灰服制的人和丁当响的马刺,薄薄的花布衣裳和声调悠扬的五弦瑟。