Frankness is the most advisable maneuvre. 坦诚是最明智的策略.
A man like Barbicane would not dodge his enemy, or ensnare him, would not even maneuvre! 巴比康这个人即使对他的敌人也不会耍花招,设圈套,用心计的。
He followed that with 5,000 cavalry and destroyed a Zhao cavalry of 70,000 through maneuvre. 接着他用5千机动骑兵摧毁了赵国骑兵7万,
Witnesses said the tractor was blocked by the other two vehicles, which were stopped, and hit them as the driver tried to maneuvre around them. 目击者说,有两辆车拦住了拖拉机的去路,拖拉机在试图绕过那两辆车的时候撞上了它们。
30 Frankness is the most advisable maneuvre. 坦诚是最明智的策略.