Secretin was without effect on gastric smooth muscle activity. 而促胰液素对各部位肌条的收缩活动无明显的影响。
Gastrin and cholecystokinin and secretin act on the same target organs. 促胃液素、缩胆囊素和分泌素作用于相同的靶器官。
The enterohepatic bile circulation is regulated by neural and humoral factors.Among the factors that enhance bile secretion are secretin, CCK, gastrin, bile salt and food rich in protein. 促进胆汁分泌的因素有促胰液素、促胃液素、胆盐和高蛋白食物,促进胆汁排出的是缩胆囊素。
In 1902 they showed that dilute hydrochloric acid mixed with partly digested food activates a chemical in the duodenum that they called secretin, because it stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice. 1902年他们证明稀盐酸与未完全消化的食物混合,可启动十二指肠上皮细胞中的一种叫做分泌素的化学物质,因为这一过程刺激了胰液分泌。
Keywords Traumatic stress;Bile flow;CCK;GAS;Secretin; 应激;胆汁流量;胆囊收缩素;胃泌素;促胰液素;