The disclosure of cheating, and plagiary discredited him thoroughly. 作弊抄袭的事情一经暴露,立刻使他名誉扫地。
The band Flowers is in trouble again, this time because of plagiary. 花儿乐队因为剽窃再次陷入泥潭。
Is this real coin cidence or questionable plagiary?Mr.Ma should make some explanations fo... 对这一问题,相信广大细心的读者也会做出自己的判断。
Sir, sorry , But I still want to say that I have read the same article in lots of nets such as BLCU. Is it a plagiary??? 是有很多的网站转了我这篇文章
CPAs have to face more and more audit failure aroused by finance plagiary even operation failure (such as Enron/Anderson, Yinguangxia/Zhongtianqin). 这种情形下,注册会计师日益面临因企业财务舞弊甚至经营失败所导致的审计失败(国外的安然/安达信、国内的银广夏/中天勤即是例证),因此,提高注册会计师审计质量已是刻不容缓。