Tomson J,Lip GY.Blood pressure changes in acute haemorrhagic stroke[J].Blood Press Monit,2005,10(4):197-199. 方宁远诸骏仁.
Monit System perfmance of display systems using Daktronics Intelligent Device management system (IDM) Webcam where available. 利用达科公司智能设备管理系统和网络画面来监督各显示器系统的工作状况。
Lundmark J,Reis M,Bengtsson F.Serum concentrations of fluoxetine in the clinical treatment setting[J].Therap Drug Monit,2001,23 (2):139. 刘昭前
By recalling the old monition on present, we could scientifically identify the relationship between righteousness and benefits and combine them effectively. “义利之辨”的实质是价值取向的问题,今天我们反思古训的教益,以利于科学定位义利关系,把义和利有机地结合起来。
Select and support prequalification of service providers &sub contractors. 3. Utilize SAP to procure site services. 4. Manage and monit... 公司性质:合资公司规模:100-499人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:专科及同等学历职位月薪:10001-15000元/月