The Cape sundew is easily propagated by seed or vegetative means. 好望角毛毡苔很容易以种子或其他方法繁殖。
Tragic Love: a damselfly couple is being eaten by a carnivorous plant (sundew). 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
This sundew prefers drier soil.You can allow the pots to go dry between waterings. 长叶茅膏菜喜欢较乾燥的介质,可以乾了再浇水。
The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base.It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant. 好望角毛毡苔生长快速且可以存活数年,从基部持续长出新的嫩芽,四季开花,是很迷人的居家植物。
burmann sundew herb 锦地罗