The steam boat screamed down. 汽船呼啸着到了河的下游。
Steam boats carried thousands of visitors across the channel from Europe. 轮船把成千上万的人从欧洲大陆送过英吉利海峡。
In 1807, Robert Fulton s "North River Steam Boat" began heading up New York s Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany. 1807年,美国人富尔顿?罗伯特“克莱蒙特”号蒸汽轮船完成了从纽约到奥尔巴尼航行!
There are a lot of fresh Seafood, such as Crab, Giant Clams, Prawns, Mussels and others for Barbecue or Steam Boat, up to your choice. 这里的海鲜挺新鲜,种类也多,计有螃蟹、大蚌、虾、青蚝和其他的海鲜,可以作烧烤或放进生锅里煮熟,任君喜欢。
steam boat ratchet =steam boat rachet 花篮螺丝