The wireman hooked up a telephone. 线路工人已把电话装好并接通。
A boy saw a telephone wireman on ladder. 一个小男孩看见电话修理工在梯子上。
Oidlum now moved that a letter of thanks and a fee of fifty pounds be voted to Mr Wireman. 迪德卢姆于是动议送怀尔曼先生一封感谢信和五十个英磅。
From to be doctor or wireman, eventually to be a rich, my ideal experienced a big change. 从当医生、电工的理想,到想做一个有钱人的理想,中间有一个很大的转变。
Licensing of Electrical Contractors, Master, Journeyman and Residential Wireman electricians. 发牌的电业承办商,硕士,熟练工和住宅wireman电工。