You can revert any ungraded assignment back to draft status. 您可以把任何未打分的作业恢复成草稿的状态。
The vegetables I just bought are all ungraded goods. 我新买进的蔬菜都是统货。
The ungraded amplitude is realized by adjusting the vibrator eccentricity of the roller,. 通过对振动压路机振动器偏心距的微量调节,实现振幅的无级调节。
You might have students do a paired exercise to discuss the syllabus or give an ungraded syllabus quiz. 你或可让学生做配对题的练习以讨论教学大纲或做一不计分的教学大纲小测验。
I sell mostly ungraded singles on eBay auctions.You will find some graded key Rookie Cards, too. 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。