将卷筒纸放在轮转印刷机轴上的人[机械] -ling
Spindler hypothesized an elaborate disaster theory. 席宾德勒精心编织了一个灾难故事。
Spindler's relationship with the Great Wall was not love at firstsight. 他与中国长城之间的联系并非是一见钟情。
When told of his pursuits, many looked at Spindler as if he were some towering Don Quixote chasing a Chinese windmill. 每当谈及自己的追求,大家都看着他,仿佛看着一个正在追逐中国大风车的堂吉诃德。
Spindler says the situation and the needs in the villages north of Gori are similar. “然而建筑物和住房的破坏并不像原先担心的那样广泛,而且各个村庄的情况都有所不同。
Spindler agrees the number of places available for resettlement is very small compared to the needs. 斯宾德勒同样认为安置的数量相对于需求来说是非常小的。