Meanwhile, Master Roshi is confronted by an old rival. 与此同时,龟仙人又遇到了他的一个老对手。
Goku journeys through time, where he meets a young Master Roshi! 小悟空穿越时空,遇到了年轻时的龟仙人!
Meanwhile Bulma and Master Roshi are trying to track him down. 与此同时,布尔玛和龟仙人他们也正试图追寻小悟空的踪迹。
All clues lead to Master Roshi's past and an evil that could destroy the world! 结果,所有的线索揭出了一段龟仙人的过往,以及一个能毁灭整个世界的大魔王!
Master Roshi is down, Tien can't get up and Chiaotzu is scared stiff. 龟仙人倒下了,天津饭也爬不起来了,饺子更是被吓得不能动弹了。