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n. 职位; 职务; 差事

In order to make postoperative scar run along the crest of philtrum as much as possi... 结论:此方法远期观察效果良好,是一种值得推荐的单侧唇裂修补术。

In the paper, we attempt to build a limited orgnization of the basic predication structures, and discuss some possi... 本文试图建立这样一个有限组织的调词基本结构部分,并指出基本结构扩展成具体概念结构的方法。

Var ious unstable factors occur nov and then,grea t ly increasing the possi bi l ity of the ineff ic iency of governmentaladmin istrat ion. 当前,我国正处在由传统的计划经济体制转向社会主义市场经济体制的转型期,各种不稳定因素此消彼长,使政府产生行政不力的可能性大大增加。

The possi bility of identifying the species of bean weevils by using the electophoresis method on larval lipase isoenzyme was discussed. 由此探讨利用酯酶同工酶电泳法鉴别豆象的可能性。

Crouch, you can't possi... 亚瑟:克劳奇,你不能...

Two fundamental problems of GA: How does mutation aff ect the optimization progress wes aimed at solving And what should be the appro priate mutation possi bility in a finite population size. 基于概率论,对遗传算法有限种群条件下,进化过程中变异对于优化进程的影响问题;

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